Horse For Sale


Location: New Boston, Illinois
Primary Breed:Shire Color: Bay
Other breed:Morgan - Cross
Date Foaled:August, 2022 Gender:Gelding

"3/4 Shire 1/4 Morgan "

Price: $4500

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Flynn is a two year old Shire Morgan cross gelding. He is sired by Providence Flynn and out of our half Shire half Morgan mare. Flynn is very athletic and interested in all new things. He is halter broke, loads, trims and baths. Also eligible for Shire Sport Horse registration. We can help with shipping.

For more information contact:

Adam Geertz
Autumn Lane Shires
New Boston, Illinois 61272
Phone 563-343-8459

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Ad Reference Number is 66577ebeadf83
This ad has been viewed 791 times since created on 2024-05-29
Last modified on 2024-05-29
Last renewed on 2024-05-29

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