Horse For Sale

Team of 2 year old mares

Breed:Percheron Color: Black
Date Foaled:2022 Gender:Mare

"Just got home from 30 days training. Nice team"

Price: $10000

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  If you are looking for a smaller team of broke registered mares, these two would work for you......probably will finish out to be 17.2 hands. One mare has a scarred back foot.. Never bothered her but
t it is there and will go with her. Have videos of them driving and will send your way if interested.

For more information contact:

Peggy Day
L.D. Percherons
#1366, 180th Street
Bradgate, Iowa 50520

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This ad has been viewed 432 times since created on 2024-08-30
Last modified on 2024-08-30
Last renewed on 2024-08-30

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