Horse For Sale


Location: Plainview,
Breed:Belgian Color: Sorrel
Date Foaled:2021 Gender:Gelding

"Red Belgian gelding "

Price: $7000

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Titan is a coming four year old Belgian gelding. We used him for all our Christmas events last year, four parades and a few other public events. He is a real easy going horse. Titan is the kind of horse that is in your pocket,he loves people no issues catching him in the pasture setting or anytime for that matter. We have used him at home for hauling manure, pulling the sled for our kids and just general driving. Titan loves our children and being loved on. He has been drove single as well as double. He loves bathes, he has been trimmed and shoed in the cross ties. He has never been rode but we believe he would excel with that as well. We thank you for looking.

For more information contact:

Seth and Traci Wolf
Wolf’s Belgians
55741 Cty Rd 4
Plainview, Minnesota 55964
Phone 507-272 2166

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Last modified on 2025-01-25
Last renewed on 2025-01-25

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